IL Hooks
- reading IL code from ILspy
- explanation of matching, how to match
- list common OpCodes and what they do
- Explain GotoNext(); GotoNext(params bool predicate); TryGoToNext(params bool predicate);
- Explain Emit, EmitDelegate
- Explain Remove();
- Explain common patterns for replacing
- cursor.EmitDelegate<Func<float,float>>
- cursor.Remove(); cursor.Emit(OpCodes, val)/ cursor.EmitDelegate(() => val)
- cursor.Next.Operand = newval
- understand common errors such as
- invalid stack
- when stack has a value thats not used
- when stack has a value thats not expected (int instead of string)
- when stack has missing value
- invalid label
- when remove is used to remove an instruction that is used to transfer control (in if statement)
- While vs If in matching
- Ienumarator IL hooking and how to do it
- how to run your code mid function (will probably not be able to change value of parameters of functions tho)